Monday, May 13, 2013
The person/thing/he/she/it/idontknowwhat up there gave us a body that will only last a lifetime. What do you do with this life? It's something that is so easy yet so difficult to answer.
It's not something as easy as YOLO. But it's not something so difficult like algorithm. You just have to know it. Alot of people know what they want but they didn't realise it. Or "reality" make them feel that it is something not worth going for. I'm not a rich/successful person who tells you to chase your dreams and everything like the kind you see often on Facebook. I am in a middle income family. I'm still a student with mediocre-lousy result to boot. But I have this thought stuck in my head. I want to do something with this life but I don know what. I want to have a dream.