The star u gave me..
Sunday, April 12, 2009
sun set at 11:11 PM

someone asked me y i have not been updating my here i seems like my life have been filled with wonderful people...i dont think its because i am good in making friends...its because i just forget all the bad people that i know...LoL...during lonely nights like this...that when i think of them...i would feel at ease with my is both black and white...happy and sad...dumb and interesting...but its people like my friends...that make my life a little that i can take all the bullshit...and just sigh...then smile again

Friday, April 3, 2009
sun set at 5:56 PM

Its been so long since i've blogged...well...its been a very hectic month for me...looking forward to my "last" duty tml...listen and feel

this video was taken from youtube and created by kissudesho