The star u gave me..
Monday, August 20, 2012
sun set at 12:34 PM

Impossible dream.
Unreachable goal.
Irreplacable memory.
 Is that why they are so beautiful? Cus i can never reach them.
Its gonna be alright.
*I cant believe i'm a person who enjoys talking to himself so much.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
sun set at 10:06 PM

No love,
No product,
Damn pissed off today

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
sun set at 12:20 AM

Woah. 3 Months with no post.. didnt know i could survive for so long without ranting. Had a new hobby i guess. Wanted to say i never changed at all but that's not true. I'm now afraid to make friends cause i'm afraid to be committed to it. Too many friends = Having to satisfy too many people. Sometimes some people are very nice but it seems we're not fated to be friends. I have been on the other end before, where someone keep asking me to hang out but i just didnt "have the time". I'm really sorry. You're really a nice person. Soooo just dont care about me and enjoy life k. Zzzzzzz. Getting lazy with life. Becoming delusional. Caught up with all the desires and not being able to feel what i really want. What is really important. Like what i always say, are those people around you. Yes sometimes they might hurt you, but most of the time those that are important will be there for you much much more often. So just wanna let those people know I keep all of you close to my heart. I swear it on the internet ;)