The star u gave me..
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
sun set at 10:03 PM

Can people have too many friends? I do think so. There are so many ppl out there that i wanna give my care, my time, my company, my money to. But there's only 24hrs a day, 7days a week, 4weeks a month, 12months a year, and around 60 yrs of my life left. There's only 1 of me present in any time. There's only so much money I'm able to obtain.
With the amount of time there are things i need to do to move on in my life. Getting food, rest, money, clean, yada yada. With only one me, i can only be at one place at any time. With so much money, i'm not able to pay the bills every time.
But you guys deserve more. All you nice, cool, caring dudes and dudettes are there. So please forgive me if i dun give you as much time as you deserve, if i dun get to be there as often as you deserve, if i dun give you as much stuff as deserve.
And of failing brain power..forgive me if i forgot about anything. I swear I did remember! Maybe not with my brain, but surely with my heart.

Friday, January 21, 2011
sun set at 1:23 AM

Exchanging one pain for dumb

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
sun set at 11:05 AM

cant get it out of my mind. cant shake it out of my heart.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
sun set at 4:23 PM

I know this is incredibly childish *at least that's what i think* but..


Saturday, January 1, 2011
sun set at 3:18 PM

Sudeenly wanted to post something and realised its the first post of the year!!! Hahaha..should i do a reflection of what happened and what hopes i have for the new year? Hmmm...1st thing 1st..gotta write this down..a damn cute + sweet + deep song..usually those sweet/cute songs are very simple..and a bit "childish"..but this song..

Ninin Sankyaku
Just like my favorite shoes, we were together no matter when
When I wore them, they will become pitch black right away
Each time I washed them, they'd get clean, but after that they got wrecked quickly
And now I can't wear them at all

I tried wearing other shoes
And for the first time, I understood how comfortable those shoes were
At long last

Because there's no one who can replace you
The time in the future I'd planned on spending with you
Meanwhile, if there's something, I compare it to you, and I can remember you right away
No matter what I do, I won't fill up--I just can't
I want to be by you, nobody but you can be next to me, together forever

I hadn't wanted to lose you, that's for certain
So then why did I tell a lie like that? "I'm sorry"
Was I, who thought at the time, "This is for the best," wrong?
I ended up hurting you badly

My heart remembers 'the words you gave me, and various expressions'
My body, even now, remembers 'kindness'

My mind's eye clearly pictures your grieving face
It's just like how it was yesterday
I had thought 'It's my privilege, since I know you so well'

You tell me time will settle everything? And here you're steadily building a forcefield!
"I knew it--it can't be anyone but you, and..."
We can't go back anymore to what we were back then, so rather than doing it over again,
Let's now start from the beginning as who we are
But it backfired, and regrets assail me

The ultimate partner, my precious partner
You're forever my partner, without changing, my partner

*is japanese and translated so some parts may sound weird..taken from!