The star u gave me..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
sun set at 10:22 PM

有人說 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死
而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你

我常說 如果人類連愛一個人都被自己綁住
那世界末日已來到 不需要等到地球毀滅掉的那天

Friday, March 6, 2009
sun set at 8:23 PM

My eyes...are on the verge of closing on their fading...overwhelm with sadness...with reason there's no anger...only sadness...with the stupidity of others...thinking bout why they have to do this? about what they would gain in doing this? will really gain happiness? No...sad that they dunno the ans...sad that i have to i have to put up with their rubbish...if only the world would change...i never is the way we are created i think...sometimes we are so swept up with the emotion...and we are hasty to act...bad things will come out of it...but with knowledge...and understanding...comes the fact that we can never change human a whole...hais...although i said otherwise...i could still feel my anger...boiling...within me...waiting for me to lose control i shall...

Damn sian today...fucking hell...stupid s4 go redo a duty plan tt i've spent weeks doing up...then i got seperated from my fellow colleagues and have to do duties with a group whom i fucking dunno...means for at least 3 weeks...i'll be fucking alone...fucking chee bye...seriously they shld have more brains man...cant they post a few of my rps to do duty wif me? arseholes...n i'm the guard commander with a total of 200 rounds with me during every gurad duty...retarded fucks...

Sunday, March 1, 2009
sun set at 10:17 PM

Guilt will make you a prisoner.
Hope will set you free.