The star u gave me..
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
sun set at 11:51 PM

can someone read me a bedtime story?

It does not matter wat we do...i just enjoy every moment we spend's ok when we're always so's ok when we go up n down...n still dun do anything's all alrite...cus...we're together

Monday, December 24, 2007
sun set at 9:51 PM


U broke down the walls tt i've build around i feel like a fool...

Saturday, December 22, 2007
sun set at 11:49 AM

My contract is OVER!

Yeah! My contract have finally ended! Wohoo! Hmm...will post bout some of the stupid things tt happen while i was working...1) My pants split while i was trying to climb up the steps to get the goods...n the things is...during tt time...a group of gals was walking by n "SPLIT!" there was this large tearing ma lu!...n the tear is at the thigh there...close to my....ya....then i quickly take my bag cover then went upstairs to buy a trackpants.. 2) There was this time i watited for 3 hrs for the goods to come...3 hrs neh! sit there rot...n tt day...i only do 1 supermarket..LoL... 3) well..this one is pretty lame....i got lost while trying to find 1 of the supermarket...LoL..*shrugs* it happens only once...i think tt's all..the rest r insignifficant...its in the getting cut everyday...goods falling on my head...goods falling on my foot...n...etc...LoL

Friday, December 14, 2007
sun set at 8:18 PM


HaHas...well..i'm posting stuff tt had happen days ago...but well...attended tkd bbq! i got lost...went to downtown east instead n saw xue heng, chung cheng n mao tian...then the say they at bbq pit K somethin somethin...but the chalet only went up to realise tt it is at the other chalet coasta sand pasir ris...went there...ate food...laughed...n see ny junoirs play guitar hero...LoL...then went to disturb pei shan...n see shi wen keep on eating corn like hamster...n see ying da keep on eating watever tt is edible like a we bbq the MARSHMELLOW which i kept on pronuonce as when the marshmellow junoirs keep saying..."Hey, ur marshmellow become bong bong le!" HaHas...then see kelvin, shi wen, genevieve, ying da, go crazy bout the cheese mushroom...till they wanna drink cheese from the aluminium foil...hmmm...received my 12 dollars n a packet of sweets which were eaten whenever i'm bored at work...hahahas...lastly the pic was my fav gift..its so damn cool! i pasted it on my room's all folk...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
sun set at 11:00 PM


HaHa..hey ppl..promised to post on prom tml...n tml have FINALLY come..LoL...i shall only WRITE bout prom...cus i think most of my prom pics spare u ppl from unsettled stomach ontop of 1st of all..went to the hotel with muhaimin...i was yawning all the way..n we both feel like eating nasi lemak...but in the end..decided against it..when i reached the lobby..the 1st person i saw was best fren along wif her bf...we took a pic..n here comes yi jie! she changed alot norh! she was waving at me n i didnt realise...tot she was mu's fren..LoL...untill she came in front of me n say: u dun recgonise me ah? (in chinese) ...haha..really got stunned...then went to the 3rd floor n meet the guys n saw Mr Lim..the last guy to reach was Xue Heng...all the guys look so shuai sia..yao siong's shirt was confusing...looks like wearing 2 layer..but is actually 1 layer...then realise Mr Ling was missing! Called him n realised tt he had forgotten all bout it n lost his ticket! LoL Then all of us were herald into the dining hall n the MC said tt the MOE have come n all r to was all bulshit...n called shi wen if she n her gang have reached or not cus it was already 8! n the card said 6.30....yup...became the grp's bodygaurd all the way n lead them once in the dinig hall, sort summary: the food suck, the games suck, n most of the time...we were taking pic...for the prom king we voted MU ALL THE WAY! for the prom queen...i didnt give a got 3rd which was WELLDONE! n fammy n his gf won the prom queen n king...then for the last 20 lucky draw..Zi bin won an olympus camera...while kelvin won a free chalet booking...the whole thing ended at around 11 plus close to 12? Then we talk cork from inside t0 talk talk talk..until bout 1 plus...we didnt noe wat to do...n some ppl got work tml n they went off min june n alex of the EAST side...were we ordered MAC...n have a gd luff bout the delivery uncle...the yam man...old chang kee..n...practically everything else...couldnt finish our food cus we've luff too the time we left...its bout 3 plus..n i reached home at's bout it for prom.. =]

Friday, December 7, 2007
sun set at 4:26 AM

the streets of 4 am

Hey...just got home from prom..hahas...will upload the details n photos tml...for now...just wanna pen down my thoughts...while walking home...i felt so lonely...just like the empty streets...i cannot believe it...jc over....i really felt lost n alone...for 2 yrs...i have seen all of u 5 times a week...n everytime i see all of is at least for 7 hrs...i cannot believe tt there will be no more more more taekwondo...for my class...i can no longer hear all ur laughters often anymore...wun be able to share my happiness...witty coments..n lame jokes...for the rest of my frens in mj who r just as endearing to me...a simple wave..a smile..a "hi"...all these things tt have allowed me to get through the day....r no more...i m really afraid to step into the new future where all of these things cannot exist anymore...i dare not step into the future without all of u...but this is life...i will move on..i can only move matter how much i hope time will just stay still...but i'll miss all of u very much....pls stay wif me...i'll do all the best i can to keep all of u by my hold regular chat once in a while...but i beg all of u...all of my mj frens...all the guys n gals of 06s211 who have become like a family to me...pls stay wif me...

Sunday, December 2, 2007
sun set at 8:10 PM


HaHas..went to mrs kong hse to look at my fellow sec sch frens..some whom i have not met for 2 yrs! It is nice to hang out again...HaHa...really cannot describe how i felt...u's just nice...the warm feeling in ur heart tt lets u smile..realise tt it is nice to have constants in ur life....eapecially in this ever changing world...where frens can change..looks can change...n so much more...our parents r r our siblings...n sometimes if we're lucky...there'll be 1 or 2 r also constants...those ppl tt u'll nvr fear to lose u'll noe there r always there for u even when everything bout u or the world changes...i'm lucky...i have at least 1...i'm glad to have u best fren.. =]


Oh man...monday is coming again....cant believe tt i'm still wishing everyday is saturday...even though its is so tiring man..somemore dun have frens...S I A N....anyway will be going to Mrs Kong hse later...will get to see smoe long lost ppl...will update my bog tonight..if i rmb...hahas